
For access authorization approval, you must complete and submit appropriate visit request per form instructions.

Visitor TypeForms
Uncleared Personnel1) SA TTR-2730 Request for Unclassified Visit
DOE Cleared Personnel1) Standard TTR Visit Request Security Clearance Holder
Non-DOE Cleared Personnel1) Standard TTR Visit Request Security Clearance Holder
2) DOE F 5631.20 – US DOE Request for Visitor Access Approval
3) DISS Clearance Request

Personnel traveling with government/company-issued (mission essential) equipment must submit appropriate sensitive equipment/property request form for approval.

Government/Company-Issued Equipment TypeForms
Computers, Laptops, Electronic Media, MedPEDs, etc. (No Cameras/Recording Equipment)1) STANDARD Sensitive Equipment/Property Request
Computers, Laptops, Electronic Media, MedPEDs, etc. (With Cameras/Recording Equipment)1) SPECIALTY Equipment/Property Request

Real ID Act

Personnel must provide a valid driver’s license complaint with the Real ID Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-13, 119 Stat. 302) or an acceptable secondary form of identification.

A valid Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL)+ may be accepted from noted jurisdictions provided the American flag and word “Enhanced” are clearly visible on the front of the license; however, an acceptable secondary form of identification should be readily available to prevent delays.

Driver’s licenses displaying statements including, but are not limited to, phrases such as “Not for Federal Purposes”, “Federal Limits Apply”, or “Not for Federal Identification” cannot be used as forms of identification.

Other government identification documents may be used by themselves as valid proof of identity.